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A service represents one or more related activities and functions that are provided to address a particular need and to benefit specific types of individuals or groups of people.

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Asbestos and Lead Based Paint Hazard Management
This service ensures that materials containing asbestos or lead-based paint are handled properly during construction activities. This is done through:  -Certifying and accrediting firms and individuals performing abatement (removal) of asbestos or lead paint -Certifying firms and individuals who perform renovation activities that disturb lead paint in homes and child occupied facilities       -Inspecting abatement and renovation projects -Is...
Filter search results by the: Division of Public Health | Service Full Report | Year Initiated: 1987

Breast and Cervical Cancer Control
Breast and Cervical Cancer Control (BCCCP) pays for screening to detect breast and cervical cancer in North Carolina women who are: -Low -income (250 percent of the federal poverty level or below). -Uninsured or underinsured. -Between the ages of 40 and 64.   The service pays for clinical breast examinations, mammograms and pap tests as well as diagnostic services and medical referral and follow-up as appropriate.  There is an increased emphasis on reaching African American, Amer...
Filter search results by the: Division of Public Health | Service Full Report | Year Initiated: 1992

Building Capacity for Service Delivery
This service provides funding and technical assistance which enables local health departments to carry out their essential functions that meet community needs.  This includes: -  Accrediting and maintaining accreditation on a four-year cycle. In 2006 the General Assembly passed legislation making accreditation for local health departments mandatory and specifying that the Accreditation Board be established within the Institute. They also support to the site visit process.  For F...
Filter search results by the: Division of Public Health | Service Full Report | Year Initiated: 1971

Child Fatality Prevention Team
The Child Fatality Prevention Team serves North Carolinians by investigating the deaths of children from injury or neglect. The team aims to reduce the deaths of North Carolina children from preventable causes It recommends policies to protect the state's children It conducts training for local law enforcement, health care and other agencies on proper techniques for child death investigations
Filter search results by the: Division of Public Health | Service Full Report | Year Initiated: 1990

Child Maltreatment Prevention
The purpose of this service is to lead the implementation of the comprehensive statewide child maltreatment prevention plan developed by a NC Institute of Medicine Task Force.  There are evidence-based initiatives that support families to achieve a range of positive child outcomes, ranging improved school readiness to reduced child maltreatment.  This service has played a central role in supporting the implementation of several evidenced-base services, including the...
Filter search results by the: Division of Public Health | Service Full Report | Year Initiated: 2006

Communicable Disease Surveillance and Control
  Through this service Communicable Disease staff members detect and track the spread of diseases.  This includes: Overseeing identification and enrollment of data sources such as hospital emergency rooms for disease tracking (via the NC Disease Event Tracking Epidemiologic Collection Tool, or NC DETECT)Training new system users Monitoring data daily for potential public health threats Investigating potential threats in collaboration with local and state publ...
Filter search results by the: Division of Public Health | Service Full Report | Year Initiated: 1918

Community Focus Infant Mortality
Community Focus Infant Mortality provides services for women and their infants with a specific focus on African-American and Native American families in certain North Carolina counties and communities.  Services include: Outreach, case management and health education before, during and after pregnancy to improve health outcomes.Supportive services for women and their children for two years after delivery.Depression screening/referralInterconceptional care coordinationRepr...
Filter search results by the: Division of Public Health | Service Full Report | Year Initiated: 1995

Comprehensive Cancer
North Carolina Comprehensive Cancer works to reduce the incidence and mortality of cancers by the development and implementation of effective strategies to prevent, detect, and promote activities that enhance comprehensive initiatives.  Comprehensive cancer initiatives are a process by which resources are pooled via partnerships, collaboratives, and individual groups and institutions to reduce the burden of cancer.  Comprehensive Cancer does not provide direct patient services. ...
Filter search results by the: Division of Public Health | Service Full Report | Year Initiated: 1945

Diabetes Awareness, Education & Health Care Delivery
The Diabetes Prevention and Management service assists communities, worksites, pharmacies, health systems and individuals in North Carolina to prevent and manage diabetes. Activities include:  Increasing access to and availability of quality diabetes self-management education and supportIncreasing access to and the use of diabetes prevention programsPromoting adoption of clinical guidelines for diabetes screening, prevention and managementPromoting diabetes prevention a...
Filter search results by the: Division of Public Health | Service Full Report | Year Initiated: 1987

Environmental Health Regulation
Environmental Health protects the public health through prevention, protection and enforcement activities in food service and lodging, child care centers and institutions, tattooing, and public swimming pools. Additionally, Environmental Health includes on-site water protection, (septic and well permitting and inspection) asbestos and lead-based paint hazard management, childhood lead poisoning prevention (including home investigations and coordinating case management) and preventing acts of ag...
Filter search results by the: Division of Public Health | Service Full Report | Year Initiated: 1941

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