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Details for Service Critical Access Hospital Network Development
Service Name Critical Access Hospital Network Development Program Name Capacity Building
Goal Manage resources to provide effective and efficient delivery of services to North Carolinians.
Objective Assure the capacity to deliver health and safety services to children and/or adults through collaboration, networks, partnerships and workforce development.
Division Central Management and Support - Office of Rural Health
Service Description
Critical Access Hospital (CAH) network development provides federal funding to small rural hospitals and requires hospitals to collaborate to make the best use of limited health care dollars. Hospitals in the network agree to reduce the number of acute beds (for patients who need a high level of care) to 25 or fewer while ensuring emergency services are available. 


The Rural Hospital Flexibility Grant Program (Flex Grant Program) focuses on small and rural hospitals, including CAHs, to improve their viability, quality, and integration with the rest of the health care system. Specifically, the Flex Grant Program is focused on: (1) improving quality of care in CAHs and other rural care providers, (2) improving the financial and operational performance of CAHs, and (3) encouraging health system development through the engagement of the rural community with CAHs and other care providers, and (4) integrating rural Emergency Medical Services (EMS) into the health care system while ensuring the quality of services provided.

Web Site www.ncdhhs.gov/orh/ Year First Initiated 1999
Available State Wide Yes Geographic Area Served
Grants Provided Yes Competitive Bidding Yes
Competitive Bidding Details Awards are granted to eligible hospitals, hospital associations, EMS services, or community-based initiatives that meet the goals and objectives of the Flex Grant Program application. The request for application information is found on the Office's website.
Waiting List No Waiting List Start Date
Number Waiting
Waiting List Details

Income Eligibility
Income Eligibility No
Income Eligibility Method
Income Eligibility Type
Whose Income Eligibility
Income Disregard No
Income Disregard Desc
Income Verified No
Income Verified Method
Income Criteria
Income Eligibility Change 1/1/1901
Income Eligibility Method Prior To Change
Income Eligibility Other

Target Population
Age Range Start Age Range End
0 100+

Legal Authority
Authorization Level Authorization Type Citation
Federal Public Law Balanced Budget Act of 1997 Section 4201, P.L. 105-33

Budget Information
State Fiscal Year (SFY)
As of the month of
Authorized Budget Fiscal Year 2025 SFY 2024-2025 Year To Date Expenditures Balance
Salary and Fringes (1X) 0 0 0
Salary Other (1X) 0 0 0
Operating (2X-5X) 0 0 0
Contracts/Allocations (6X) 0 0 0
Reserves (7X) 0 0 0
Transfers (8X) 0 0 0
Total Requirements 0 0 0
Receipts-Federal 0 0 0
Receipts- Local receipts 0 0 0
Receipts- Other receipts 0 0 0
Total Receipts 0 0 0
General Fund Appropriations 0 0 0
State Local Other
0 0 0
State Local
0 0