The Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Program/Preventing Underage Drinking Initiative service supports efforts by communities to prevent the sale of alcohol to minors (under age 21) and to prevent
minors from buying or consuming alcoholic beverages. This is accomplished by providing grants, education and technical assistance to Community Collaboratives. A Collaborative (or coalition) is an organized alliance among individuals or groups within a community joining together for a common cause. The Collaboratives support enforcement of underage drinking laws by monitoring retailers and through statewide efforts to raise awareness of the potential harm associated with underage drinking.
The Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Program/Preventing Underage Drinking Initiative is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) Substance Abuse Block Grant and implements various strategies to prevent underage drinking. Primary strategies focus on:
-Decreasing underage access to alcohol;
-Changing community norms that promote underage and high risk alcohol use; and,
-Addressing policies pertaining to underage drinking.