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Details for Service Children's Preventive Health Services
Service Name Children's Preventive Health Services Program Name Quality Improvement
Goal Expand awareness, understanding and use of information to enhance the health and safety of North Carolinians.
Objective Assure that the delivery of quality health and safety services is sustained and continually improved for children and/or adults through evidence informed practices.
Division Division of Public Health
Service Description

Children's Preventive Health Services supports initiatives addressing availability, accessibility and utilization of health services for children from birth to 21 years of age.  Working with agencies, organizations, and families statewide, this service is designed to affect policy, environment and practice changes to:

-improve nutrition and physical activity patterns

-enhance parenting skills

-decrease risk factors for child abuse and neglect

-provide specialized outreach to hard-to-reach populations

-increase health promotion and injury prevention in child care settings 

Children's Preventive Health Services works closely with community child serving organizations such as local health departments, child care centers, local social service and mental health agencies, and local child health care providers.



Web Site http://www.ncdhhs.gov/dph/wch/aboutus/childrenyouth.htm Year First Initiated 1935
Available State Wide Yes Geographic Area Served
Grants Provided Yes Competitive Bidding Yes
Competitive Bidding Details Contracts with local health departments and community organizations to provide preventive child health services.
Waiting List No Waiting List Start Date
Number Waiting
Waiting List Details

Income Eligibility
Income Eligibility No
Income Eligibility Method
Income Eligibility Type
Whose Income Eligibility
Income Disregard No
Income Disregard Desc
Income Verified No
Income Verified Method
Income Criteria
Income Eligibility Change
Income Eligibility Method Prior To Change
Income Eligibility Other

Target Population
Age Range Start Age Range End
0 21

Legal Authority
Authorization Level Authorization Type Citation
Federal Public Law Social Security Act, Title V, Section 511 (42 U.S.C. 711
Federal Public Law Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (P.L. 114-10)

Budget Information
State Fiscal Year (SFY)
As of the month of
Authorized Budget Fiscal Year 2025 SFY 2024-2025 Year To Date Expenditures Balance
Salary and Fringes (1X) 0 0 0
Salary Other (1X) 0 0 0
Operating (2X-5X) 0 0 0
Contracts/Allocations (6X) 0 0 0
Reserves (7X) 0 0 0
Transfers (8X) 0 0 0
Total Requirements 0 0 0
Receipts-Federal 0 0 0
Receipts- Local receipts 0 0 0
Receipts- Other receipts 0 0 0
Total Receipts 0 0 0
General Fund Appropriations 0 0 0
State Local Other
0 0 0
State Local
0 0