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Details for Service Injury and Violence Prevention
Service Name Injury and Violence Prevention Program Name Data Collection and Analysis
Goal Manage resources to provide effective and efficient delivery of services to North Carolinians.
Objective Assure that children and/or adults receive needed and effective health and safety services through data tracking, research and evaluation.
Division Division of Public Health
Service Description

Injury and Violence Prevention gathers information and addresses the major statewide issues of injury and violence by working to implement the statewide strategic plan for injury and violence prevention. The components of the plan are:

Data and Surveillance: Increase the use of injury and violence prevention data through a comprehensive, coordinated injury surveillance system that is accurate, readily available and sustainable and that is utilized to guide injury and violence prevention programs and policies at the local, regional and state level.

Messaging, Policy and Environmental Change: Develop strong, vocal community support for injury and violence prevention and the creation of safe environments by reframing unintentional injuries and violence as unacceptable and promoting policies that support injury and violence prevention.

Saving Lives: Reduce the rate of morbidity and mortality caused by injury and violence by implementing prioritized, data-driven strategies and programs, policies, and innovative and tested practices. Specific areas of prevention work include:   Preventing unintentional poisonings, also known as drug overdoses from prescription medications. Population focus: ages 25-54;  Preventing falls. Population focus: ages 65 and older;  Primary prevention of sexual violence. Population focus: adolescent males ages 10-14;  Preventing youth suicide. Population focus: ages 10-24; Preventing motor vehicle crashes. Population focus: ages 15-25 and ages 70 and older;  Preventing residential fires. Population focus: low income groups, homes with children under age 10, and adults over age 65.

Building the Injury Prevention Community: Increase coordination among Injury and Violence Prevention partners at the local, regional and state level to create a more efficient system and a broader, stronger constituency. Examples of partners include researchers, aging specialists, mental health experts, sexual and domestic violence prevention organizations, direct medical service providers, law enforcement agencies, and fire officials.

Workforce Development: Develop a statewide injury and violence prevention workforce that meets core injury and violence prevention competencies as outlined by the National Training Initiative for Injury and Violence Prevention (NTI) and the Safe States Alliance.  

Web Site http://www.injuryfreenc.ncdhhs.gov/ Year First Initiated 1989
Available State Wide Yes Geographic Area Served
Grants Provided Yes Competitive Bidding Yes
Competitive Bidding Details Comprehensive Suicide Prevention-Competitive CDC Funding 6 sub-recipients selected from RFA process to implement evidence-based suicide prevention strategies i.e. gatekeeper trainings. $400,000 Overdose to Action(OD2A) 8 sub-recipients selected through RFA Process to implement overdose strategies i.e., harm reduction in local communities w/focus on historically marginalized populations. $800,000+
Waiting List No Waiting List Start Date
Number Waiting
Waiting List Details

Income Eligibility
Income Eligibility No
Income Eligibility Method
Income Eligibility Type
Whose Income Eligibility
Income Disregard No
Income Disregard Desc
Income Verified No
Income Verified Method
Income Criteria
Income Eligibility Change
Income Eligibility Method Prior To Change
Income Eligibility Other

Target Population
Age Range Start Age Range End
0 100+
0 99
10 14
10 24
25 54
65 100+

Legal Authority
Authorization Level Authorization Type Citation
State Statute G.S. 130A-47

Budget Information
State Fiscal Year (SFY)
As of the month of
Authorized Budget Fiscal Year 2025 SFY 2024-2025 Year To Date Expenditures Balance
Salary and Fringes (1X) 0 0 0
Salary Other (1X) 0 0 0
Operating (2X-5X) 0 0 0
Contracts/Allocations (6X) 0 0 0
Reserves (7X) 0 0 0
Transfers (8X) 0 0 0
Total Requirements 0 0 0
Receipts-Federal 0 0 0
Receipts- Local receipts 0 0 0
Receipts- Other receipts 0 0 0
Total Receipts 0 0 0
General Fund Appropriations 0 0 0
State Local Other
0 0 0
State Local
0 0