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Details for Service Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services for Children/Adolescents
Service Name Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services for Children/Adolescents Program Name Children with Identified Needs
Goal Provide services and supports to individuals and families experiencing health and safety needs to assist them in living successfully in the community.
Objective Assure that children with health and safety needs that could result in out-of-home placement receive assessment and treatment services to enable them to continue to live at home and/or the community.
Division Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Use Services
Service Description

Community Based Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities services support North Carolina children and adolescents ages 3-17 with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in order to remain in the communities of their choice. Services provided include:


-Personal care: assistance with activity of daily living skills;

-Habilitation: services to assist the individual in retaining, acquiring, and improving the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to reside and participate successfully in the community;

-Supported employment: supporting people to seek and gain work  and providing the support they need maintain employment in a competitive and integrated setting,;

-Residential services: supporting individuals living in licensed homes and supported living settings;

-Respite services: a short-term/periodic relief or break for caregivers; and

-Education and supportive services for families.


The services are accessed through Local Management Entities -Managed Care Organizations (LME-MCOs), which are local agencies responsible for overseeing and managing publicly funded mental health, developmental disability and substance abuse services; and through providers that contract with LME-MCOs throughout the state. 

Web Site http://www.ncdhhs.gov/mhddsas/ Year First Initiated 1963
Available State Wide Yes Geographic Area Served Individuals are served throughout the state of North Carolina. Individuals and families can access services through their Local Management Entity.
Grants Provided No Competitive Bidding No
Competitive Bidding Details
Waiting List No Waiting List Start Date
Number Waiting
Waiting List Details

Income Eligibility
Income Eligibility Yes
Income Eligibility Method Families whose family income is three hundred percent (300%) or greater of the federal poverty level are eligible for services with the applicable co‑payment. Each of the 23 Local Management Entities have their own methodology for income eligibility, which is passed on to the crisis providers in their catchement areas. .
Income Eligibility Type Varies by each of the 23 LMEs.
Whose Income Eligibility Varies by each of the 23 LMEs.
Income Disregard No
Income Disregard Desc
Income Verified No
Income Verified Method
Income Criteria
Income Eligibility Change 1/1/1901
Income Eligibility Method Prior To Change family income is three hundred percent (300%) or greater of the federal poverty level
Income Eligibility Other

Target Population
Age Range Start Age Range End
3 20

Legal Authority
Authorization Level Authorization Type Citation
State Statute General Statute 122-C MH, DD, and SA Act of 1985

Budget Information
State Fiscal Year (SFY)
As of the month of
Authorized Budget Fiscal Year 2025 SFY 2024-2025 Year To Date Expenditures Balance
Salary and Fringes (1X) 0 0 0
Salary Other (1X) 0 0 0
Operating (2X-5X) 0 0 0
Contracts/Allocations (6X) 0 0 0
Reserves (7X) 0 0 0
Transfers (8X) 0 0 0
Total Requirements 0 0 0
Receipts-Federal 0 0 0
Receipts- Local receipts 0 0 0
Receipts- Other receipts 0 0 0
Total Receipts 0 0 0
General Fund Appropriations 0 0 0
State Local Other
0 0 0
State Local
0 0